It is prohibited to post ads that violate Telegram's rules or common sense.
It is prohibited to trade goods that are illegal by law. Escrows also reserve the right to refuse a transaction without explanation.
Insults in any form are strictly forbidden.
Conducting Transactions: General Rules
In the event of a dispute in a deal, the resolution is handled by the Escrow.
The Escrow is not responsible for changes in currency exchange rates during the deal. Additionally, the rate of 1 USD = 1 USDT applies.
If you were scammed while dealing without a Escrow, contact Support, not the Escrow.
The Escrow is the authority in determining the boundaries of decency, morality, the interpretation of rules and conditions, deadline adherence, and the quality of the goods.
By completing the deal, the Buyer confirms that they have checked the goods/service and have no further claims against the Seller or the Escrow.
If the Seller fails to meet the deal terms within the agreed timeframe, the Buyer has the right to cancel the deal, subject to proportional payment for goods delivered on time (unless penalties for missing the deadline are specified in the terms). In such cases, the Escrow will decide who bears the cost of their services.
For deals with a security deposit, the deadline considers the proper functioning of the network, website, etc. A deal may be canceled by mutual consent without penalties, but the Escrow’s services must still be paid according to the agreed terms.
If the Escrow detects any sabotage attempts by either party, all subsequent decisions regarding the transaction are at the Escrow’s sole discretion.
A deadline is the final date by which the deal must be completed.